full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jen Gunter: 5 things you should know about back pain

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Which leads me to two: Chiropractic treatment is not backed by science. Going to chiropractors for spinal manipulation is very popular, especially in the United States. But a study that looked at 45 systematic reviews found no ecnvedie supporting chiropractic tnearmett as effective for any medical condition. I'm not denying that people who visit chacrotrropis sometimes feel better after a ssieosn, but studies suggest that the comfort and relief from being touched is most likely a placebo effect. This is also a reminder that cirtaoihprcc treatment can sometimes be dangerous. There are people who have suffered vlaacusr strokes after neck adjustments.

Open Cloze

Which leads me to two: Chiropractic treatment is not backed by science. Going to chiropractors for spinal manipulation is very popular, especially in the United States. But a study that looked at 45 systematic reviews found no ________ supporting chiropractic _________ as effective for any medical condition. I'm not denying that people who visit _____________ sometimes feel better after a _______, but studies suggest that the comfort and relief from being touched is most likely a placebo effect. This is also a reminder that ____________ treatment can sometimes be dangerous. There are people who have suffered ________ strokes after neck adjustments.


  1. chiropractic
  2. evidence
  3. chiropractors
  4. session
  5. vascular
  6. treatment

Original Text

Which leads me to two: Chiropractic treatment is not backed by science. Going to chiropractors for spinal manipulation is very popular, especially in the United States. But a study that looked at 45 systematic reviews found no evidence supporting chiropractic treatment as effective for any medical condition. I'm not denying that people who visit chiropractors sometimes feel better after a session, but studies suggest that the comfort and relief from being touched is most likely a placebo effect. This is also a reminder that chiropractic treatment can sometimes be dangerous. There are people who have suffered vascular strokes after neck adjustments.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
chiropractic treatment 3
physical therapy 3
lumbar spine 2

Important Words

  1. adjustments
  2. backed
  3. chiropractic
  4. chiropractors
  5. comfort
  6. condition
  7. dangerous
  8. denying
  9. effect
  10. effective
  11. evidence
  12. feel
  13. leads
  14. looked
  15. manipulation
  16. medical
  17. neck
  18. people
  19. placebo
  20. popular
  21. relief
  22. reminder
  23. reviews
  24. science
  25. session
  26. spinal
  27. states
  28. strokes
  29. studies
  30. study
  31. suffered
  32. suggest
  33. supporting
  34. systematic
  35. touched
  36. treatment
  37. united
  38. vascular
  39. visit